Why First Nations Are Not Your Excuse For Racism
One of the more common counter-arguments that some racist Heathens will use to bolster their arguments about "folk" and "people" that basically amount to a Vitamin D absorption test is that First Nations legally get to have a "blood quota," so why can't Heathens have a de facto one? For the record: a "blood quota" is the amount of heritage (1/4 - i.e. grandparent) necessary to be considered for inclusion or recognition. If indigenous cultures are allowed to demand hereditary and genealogical proof of for their "inclusiveness," why can't reconstructed indigenous cultures, amirite? It's a sad attempt at a "gotcha" that many will try against those who disagree with their practices. It's also ignorant of the vast forces of history, law, and culture that impact every aspect of their argument. I'm sure there's a counterargument that can save them. Somewhere. We could just state that any attempt...